Greener Pocklington aims to combat the climate crisis and habitat loss through active projects in and around Pocklington in the East Riding of Yorkshire. Learn more about our work, helping nature and how to get involved.
The Green Corridors (or wildlife corridors) are the remnants of what was mostly natural woodland and grassland. Now only a few fragmented patches remain.
Our goal is to expand and connect these areas to other nearby habitats increasing their connectivity and allowing wildlife to navigate our environment.
Pocklington Woods is an ancient replanted wood with towering Pine and Oak trees.
Native Bluebells carpet the understory during springtime. The bending and drooping stems are indicative of the British variant of this flower.
The north corridor lies near to publicly accessible trails with historic and cultural significance.
Primrose Woods lies adjacent to several housing developments and constitutes a critical component of the woodland cover in this corridor.
As well as being a key habitat for many local avian species it is also home to small mammals such as the iconic hedgehog.
From wildflowers (e.g. Bluebells) to species such as Spindle, Primrose Woods bares the hallmarks of an ancient woodland habitat.
The tree lined stream of Pocklington beck photographed at sunset. A chorus of birdsong can be heard from the treetops here.
The arable farmland adjacent to the stream here is home to many pollinator species such as this Carder Bee.
Species such as this Blackthorn are a valuable source of nectar for bumblebees along this linear habitat.
Paper written by Greener Pocklington with Checklist, to support communities reviewing planning applications for infrastructure and housing developments in support of environmental sustainability and to mitigate habitat loss.
The Green Corridors are part of a greater habitat network that connects the Humber Estuary to the south and the Howardian Hills AONB to the north.
Situated at the cross-roads between this countywide habitat network, the Lower Derwent Valley and a 'B-line', Pocklington is a geographical hub for biodiversity.
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